Music show, puppetry, masked theatre Chapelle Bertran de Born


Drama and basic puppetry for the young of mind. Three hard-working women of the poultry house, spending their days preparing chicken for retail. Great live music score from the constant accordionist, who keeps pace and also plays the customer.

An egg is delivered to the shop one day, and the three take on caring for the newcomer. We see them care for the egg and soon the hatchling, and get to witness the wild live action dream sequences of the young chicken. And the nightmares, too. Eventually the three start questioning the conflict between their work routine and the new feelings the chicken kindles. Will chicken little see the writing on the wall in time?

French flair, too. Moulin Rouge-y striptease was wild. Earthworm rush was something else as well. Monna Loisa said the store label — I'm missing elements of a pun there.

OK simple puppetry, a spectacle finish as well. Great, polished professional work with insightful drama that manages to not bee too tricky for children. A little something for the grown-ups as well. Not an easy crowd by any means, but held well in hand.

A lot going on, quality work, but perhaps missing that final gear, beyond dreams.