#31 Two Little Boxes

Dance ( Mime, Physical Theatre ) Greenside Nicholson St

Great, highly comprehensible contemporary dance and tomfoolery from Alex Gomar and Jason Ribes of Reallynice.

The two guys spend their show horsing around, exploring masculine camaraderie and competition in physical games, one-upmanship, courting, preening, teaming up and fighting.

The hour of dance explores manhood and male sexuality from multiple angles. Highlighting how things are for young men today, the show shines a light on issues boys and men face growing up.

Pressures from peers and the media are portrayed commendably simply, and to great effect. The team behind the show understand their topic, and their audience.

The dancing is expressive and feels natural, even plain. Moments of mime and clownery are performed in an articulate manner, playfully or dramatically, as needed.

Sounds and score of the show are passable, volume needlessly full-on. Some of the drama seems a little wooden, but the story holds together nicely, and carries well its simple arc. Winning pacing.

Come for the delightfully straightforward dance acrobatics, and stay for the thoughtful, detailed presentation of man-issues.